I'm sure our mother's and grandmothers will be so proud of us... getting their poor man's dish to be publicised in the World Wide Web! This is another round of my homemade dish effort. My previous one seems to be quite well received by the Malaysians. Some of them so homesick, aiyoh poor souls. Never mind, cook your own ok.
Check this dish out...
Familiar??? It's something either you hate it or love it. Yes, it's salted fish steamed with some lean meat. In the olden days, salted fish is a poor man's staple food. All they do is either steam it or deep fried the salted fish to eat with their rice with some fu yue (a type of fermented beancurd in Cantonese). However, the price of salted fish has been escalating and it's no longer a poor man's dish. Thanks to the ever enterprising restaurants who uses salted fish in their dishes like claypot chicken rice, stir fry kailan with salted fish or stir fry beans sprout with salted fish!!!
Well, not that I really fancy salted fish cos I will not go all the way to eat or find them but my hubby suddenly developed a craving of it one fine day. He went on a salted fish hunt, yes, to find a type of salted fish he used to take when he was a child. With the wide array of salted fishes available... he went on a wild goose chase for not knowing the actual name of the fish nor knowing how it looked like before cooking! Each time we go to the wet market, he sure stop by some of the stalls just to check out the salted fish. Sighhh... anyway, he beh tahan liau (can't stand it or can't wait any longer) one day, he just took one bottle of salted fish soaked in oil off the supermarket shelf. After we got home, he had totally forgotten all about it until one day I saw that and suggested to him that we make something out of it. Wahhh his small small eyes suddenly grew so big hehehe waiting in antipation for his long awaited craving.
So there I was, slicing lean meat into thin slices before adding a wee bit of soya sauce and cornflour. Topped the meat with one slice of salted fish. I forgot what's the type of fish ok, well not that I can differentiate them hehehe, it could either be kurau (Treadfin in Malay) or tenggiri (Spanish Mackerel in Malay). Next, sprinkle ginger strips all over before steaming. Best eaten with hot hot rice or rice porridge. Hmmmm...... it has been a while but to see the delight in his face... hehehe so cute! Needless to say he wallopped everything...
Here's a better photo of carrot omelette.