Amongst the goodies received were these two boxes. Can you take a wild guess what are these??
Haha maybe you might wanna take a closer look...
Clear enough?? Seems like baked food right? Yes, they were, indeed. Take a peek what's inside then...
The moment I opened them, I nearly jumped for joy. One box contained the oh so familiar ensaymadas which I have not eaten for more than 2 years!!! The other contained something that I've not tasted before... cheese roll. This is my first time trying this Mary Grace bakery and my first seeing each of them being individually wrapped. They looked so neat. Hubby usually buy the other brand (which I can't recall now what it was) from the airport.
You might be wondering why am I so excited over the ensaymadas hehehehe... it's actually a buttered roll topped with grated cheese. Some come with fillings like yam paste. The roll looked like a potato bun (from Giant/Carrefour/Jusco bakeries) but it's thicker. The texture is very very fluffy and it's rich buttery taste is really unforgetable! The slight salty Edam cheese helped to overcome the cloying sweetness of the roll. Can't eat too many in one go, else you'll feel stuffed the whole day. I can say this Mary Grace's ensaymadas are so much better than those from the airport and they are very very fresh.
My new found love... cheese roll! These are super soft, fluffy and melts in the mouth. How the heck they made the roll so soft and fluffy??? Amazing! I supposed they must have used a lot of butter heh. They're not as rich as ensaymadas though. These cheese rolls are dough wrapped around a stick of cheese (I think could be Edam) with a sprinkling of castor sugar over them. Hmm... and the cheese stick actually did not melt at all. Well maybe the dough is thin enough to be baked for a very short time only in the oven. My boiboi thoroughly enjoyed them.
Thank you so much to the both of them for all the wonderful gifts and especially these two lovely delicacies! *muaks*
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