I'm very happy that I could meet the deadline this round. I've here a very simple and quick to prepare recipe which I've found in Flavours magazine (May-June 2004). This particular issue featured homestyle Japanese receipes and this dessert is one of them. It mentioned that macha ice-cream is the most instantly recognisable Japanese dessert, this fruit compote exemplifies the delicate nature and presentation of Japanese sweets.
1/4 lemon, squeeze for juice
75ml white wine
250ml water
1/4 vanilla bean or 1 drop of vanilla essence
1 Fuji apple
1 1/2 tsps gelatine powder
200ml boiling water
50ml white wine
Combine the lemon juice, white wine, water and vanilla bean (or essence) in a saucepan. Bring mixture to boil. Meanwhile, peel, core and slice apple thickly and add to pot immediatelly to prevent discolouration.
Turn the heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to chill in the fridge.
To prepare jelly, soak gelatine powder with a little water to soften. Add hot water and stir till gelatine is dissolved. Add in white wine, stir and mix well. Set aside to cool before chilling it set for at least 4 hours in the fridge.
To serve, arrange the apple slices in a bowl and add apple stewing liquid. Spoon the jelly into bowl and garnish with strawberry slices, and serve cold. This recipe serves 2.
NOTE: I've replaced the white wine with apple juice so that my boiboi can eat them as well. It seems like I might need to use more apple juice for the jelly as it was not sweet enough and it was rather tasteless. I've unsweetened apple juice in my larder so maybe next time I might need to use the sweetened one instead and use less water. AND I do not have any strawberries either, so presentation wise, it looked kinda lacking.
Thank you Elise for hosting this round of IMBB.
You must check out Elise's fantastic round up of the IMBB! It's full of photos, I like the layout very very much. Kinda tedious work there but Elise DID IT. Thanks again.
hey hi, i'll be going to KL this month for holiday but i can't seem to find any places to go for good food. Any suggestions? pls email me at bluepinkice@hotmail.com