Yay the circus is in town!!! Well not that it left town haha... The Royal London Circus were touring in the Klang Valley (1 Utama & Klang a few months back) and current stop is at Mines South Lake, Seri Kembangan which is quite near home.
6 months back I was contemplating whether to bring boiboi to the circus but I did not. I'm glad actually cos at that time I'm not sure if he could sit down for the whole 2.5 hours show. So this time, there is no excuse.
And so here we are right at the big top.
This was the entrance.
Fantastic view of the lake, yeah this time the circus site is right next to a lake. One can park at the Mines Shopping Fair and take a water taxi right up to this jetty in front of the circus.
Boiboi was very excited as we entered the big top cos there were ponies, tigers and lion within the compound. We got in and settled down. The show has begun...
With the loud music and colourful costumes of the performers, it was indeed a loud start! My boiboi was thumping his feet, jiving his body and tapping his fingers on his knee to the rhythm. The ringmaster cum clown showed up with this Filipina singer.
This was the first act... Wheel of Suspend. Two wheels suspended on both end. Two guys did various things to keep it in balance. This guys is super cute, don't you think so?
Straw Hats Acrobatic Juggling was next by the boys from Shandong. They were fast and cute. My boiboi was fascinated.
Then elephant act came out. Woo no cage or barrier around the ring. Cool!
Next up was the pony act. The trainer cracked his whip so loud that startled my boiboi. Made him close his ears with his palms and huddle to his daddy so hard, urrghhh! He hates cracking sounds ie. fire crackers, balloon bursting etc. Really spoil his trip!
At least the dog and cat act lit him up a bit.
Then our worst fear came! Urrggh in one of the clown acts, this one was on bursting of balloons. Goshhh, my boiboi huddled up to his daddy, closing his ears with his body. One palm on the other ear and the other palm was over his closed eyes!!! So heart breaking. Daddy have to hug him to hard. When this act was over, I tried pacify him with some cakes I brought along. Luckily he was ok by then but I know he's not comfortable.
When intermission came, he asked us to go home. We have to pacify him further and bought him cotton candy and popcorn. Funnily, he dislike the cotton candy, maybe becos of the melt in his mouth feeling texture. Thank goodness he was busy with the popcorn and did not asked us to go home.
The Shandong Boys were at it again performing the Hand Balancing Acrobatics. They were great! Rolling around and round...
More balancing stuff...
There were many other acts but the photos did not turned out well due to the speed of the acts. And so the last act was The Sphere of Terror where 5 bikers were inside a steel globe goind round and round in high speed. I know this one my boiboi enjoyed a lot. By this time, he was already lazing on his daddy body. I guess 2.5 hours is too much for a lil kid like him.
So that's the end of the show with this colourful parade...
When curtain closed, we over heard many kids asking their parents "No tigers and lion??" I know they were disappointed and so did hubby. I guess we got cheated eh??
We hang around for a while in the compound as boiboi wanna check out some animals there... pheasant, monkeys, birds, ponies...
Whilst walking back to the car, I casually asked boiboi if he liked the circus. He nodded his head. I asked him next if he would wanna visit the circus again... he SHOOK his head!!!
I guess that says it all huh???
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