I had meant to blog this last week but I didn't until I saw the comment left by Carol. She was inspired by my blog to widen her homemade dishes repertoire haha... the power of a blog. Gosh, I feel so humbled.
Sometimes when my lazy bone strikes, I'll just keep everything simple. Yeah very very simple, easy to cook and hardly any cleaning is needed. The thing with Chinese stir-fry is, it's very messy around the stove area. So much wiping need to be done urrrghhh... Simple to me means steam, blanch and omelettes. Hehehe... lazyman dishes.
So here is one Carrot Omelette. Darn I could have submitted this for last month's IMBB orange theme. Nevermind, there are many more IMBBs coming. Just need to cut carrot into strips. Season the lightly whisked eggs with some soya sauce and pepper. Fry the carrots with some oil till soften, then pour eggs over. Wait for it to set before turning over. Once browned, dish up.
Can be substituted with long beans. Renee of Shiokadelicious have a long post on this.
This I guess it's almost every Chinese fave homemade dish - Steamed Minced Pork With Tung Choy (a type of preserved vegetable, can't seem to find any resources online. Will post up the pic later.). Mince lean pork with a chopper. Add in the washed preserved tung choy and continue chopping till the meat is minced finely (depends on your liking). I've used the electric chopper before but it doesn't yield a satisfactory taste. The meat doesn't have that "sticky" texture and the meat kinda like falling apart instead of sticking together. Add in some soya sauce, pepper and a dash of garlic oil. You may top it with some fried chopped garlic. Now, the essential part is to add a little water to this meat whilst mixing. I didn't realised this until I asked my mom how come my minced meat texture is rough and touch too like a rock!!! In the olden times, people tend to chopped in some fats which is why it was never rough nor tough. Hahaha... so that was the secret - water! Another version of this recipe can be found here.
All these dishes can be eaten with rice or best with plain rice porridge. Sorry ler the photos were kinda bad due to bad lighting and they were taken with a haste too hehehe...
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