For the entire day on eve of CNY, I was literally moving around rather mechanically, not knowing what's happening, going to happen but I certain remember what happened! The year of Rat really ended in a bad way starting from 5ish am when my boiboi came to our bedroom. With strong maternal instinct, I opened my eyes the moment he flickered on the light switch of the bathroom. I got up and saw him jumping onto the WC. Boiboi said he wanted to poo and pooed he did.
When he's done, I asked if he would like to sleep with us but he turned me down. He said he's going back to sleep on his bed. Come 6ish am, I have yet to be able to sleep back, boiboi rushed in again and told me he need to poo again. This time he told me it's soft stools.. uh oh, doesn't sound good. Once done, he went back to his room again leaving me tossing and turning. I think I just managed to closed my eyes, at 7ish am, boiboi ran in excitedly calling for me. I opened my bleary eyes and boiboi shoved his palm on my face. Oh dear his dangling bottom incisor finally came off and he's very excited. I asked him to get back to his room for some sleep and sleep he did. And all these... the daddy just sleep thru snoring away, his excuse was he took cough med the night before.
As for myself, enough is enough, I got up and start working on my chores and remove my char siu and pai kuat (pork ribs) marinading in the fridge. I started to wash and cut the ingredients for my tzai choy (vegetarian dish) to be cooked on the first day.
Come 9.45am I chucked in my meat into the oven for roasting which by then boiboi has gotten up. Made him his milk and breakie, continued with my chores and checking on the roasts. Had a late breakie after Capt'n Hook had his. Remove the roasts and let them cool down yada yada...
I have to say my char siu (bbq pork) was pretty good. I tested roasting pork ribs this time using the same marinade which turned out surprisingly good and tender. Recipe here.
As we were to leave home around 12.45pm to my parents for reunion lunch, the fart said he need to poo again. We waited and didn't leave till past 1pm. Reached parents and had a late lunch after the rest of the clan went ahead after I asked them to go ahead without us. Boiboi rushed to the toilet at 2.30pm again just after a couple spoonfuls of his lunch. OK that's it, we'll have to take him to the clinic but on CNY eve, his peads are closed so the next best bet would be hospital emergency.
We got to the hospital around 4.15pm. There were a lot of people at the tiny waiting lounge but only a fraction of them were patients. There was one family, the granny was the patient but the entire clan of son, DIL and 3 grandchildren came along occupied half the seats in the lounge! Come 6pm, we were still waiting! Actually there isn't that many patients nor extreme emergency cases but they have only 3 consultation beds and some of these patients were in there for a long while, perhaps on drips or something.
What was worst, my cat loving boiboi saw a cat outside and he wanted to go over to pat it but I disallowed after seeing that ferocious cat meowing and trying to chase a mummy and her little girl. He stood at the glass sliding door and put his palm out trying to wave at the cat, just when I asked him to stop doing that, I heard his cries for help. Someone came in and activated the sliding door and boiboi's arm got stuck in between the gap!!! I rushed over to help him followed by the daddy and managed to get his arm out. Guess what??? The entire visitors at the lounge just watched except for one Caucasian man came over to offer his help *roll eyes*.
6.05pm we heard the nurse calling for boiboi and went in to let the MO checked him, was done in just 5 mins!!! Duhhh, 2 hours wait for 5 mins consulation. There's nothing major with him, just need to keep him off milk for the next day. After collecting the meds, we rushed off to pick MIL for reunion dinner.
Thank goodness no more diarrhea and got him to sip on his oral dehyration salt. Came home, tucked my boiboi to bed and I continue to cut my soaked dried mushrooms and some other ingredients.
I was very very tired, felt like a zombie. Showered and washed my hair just before midnight but I was too tired to sleep. Watched some telly and ushered in the new year which is surprisingly pretty quiet in my area when last year, it was totally like a war zone.
Come new year, I woke up around 8am and started cooking my version 5.0 of vegetarian dish. Easy peasy.
We went off to MIL place for lunch before heading to my parents then back to my MIL to take her out for dinner and guess whom we met at the mall near home???
It's Uncle Choy hahaha Choy Sun Yeh (God of Prosperity)... I feel LUCKY already!