Friday, 2 August 2013

Day 1: Zespri® 14-Day Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge

Hmmm... how am I going to start this? Yes, I'm a day late since I've only received an email on this challenge on Wednesday but I guess I will hack it out by hook or by crook. I'm going to take part on Zespri® 14-Day Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge so please stay tune with some interesting things that I've think of that I can do with the wonderful Zespri® Green and Zespri® SunGold Kiwifruits!

I'm quite glad that I was not left out in this challenge as I could see my fellow bloggers having so much fun in last month's Zespri® 14-Day Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge! I've learnt quite a lot from them, from the precious information on kiwifruits to discovering new recipes that I could try out. I'm so going to test out some recipes that have formed in my head, fingers crossed that they'll turn out well. To make things more interesting, I think I will get active on my Twitter (babe_kl), Instagram (babe_kl) and Pinterest ( on my journey of testing out recipes. Perhaps having a more interactive session on my Facebook ( which grrr I need to convert to a page rather than the normal account.

So, I'm all geared up now to face the 14 days challenge to get more Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Folate, and Potassium to boost our immune system. I know it will do us good to prevent age related deterioration of eye sight as I can sense my days with presbyopia is coming near as kiwifruit is a great source of carotenoid lutein. Best of all, kiwifruits are high in antioxidant and low in calorie too!

Day 1 Zespri® 14-Day Daily Scoop of Amazing Challenge

Zespri® Green Kiwifruit is no stranger to me since we have been consuming them for quite number of years. So far we have been eating them straight since I've learnt that these brown and fuzzy skinned fruit contains twice the amount of vitamin C as an orange, more potassium than a banana plus a whole lot more fibre than a bowl of bran! During my course of work, I've learnt how to ripen the kiwifruits to enjoy a sweeter taste rather than having the general misconception that Zespri® Green Kiwifruit is super sour. I was told some people will eat it whole including the skin! I have to believe that cos I've heard it directly from the horses' mouth from Australia and New Zealand. So envious of one couple who have a kiwifruit tree in their back yard!

As for the latest variety of kiwifruit introduced this year, Zespri® SunGold, I've managed to taste a couple of months back *ahem* at the start of the kiwifruits season. I have to say, I loved this variety the most. Like how my BoiBoi had describe it... it is very sweet with just a slight hint of sourness. That's how I love my fruits generally.

I'm so excited, so please wish me luck and do get engaged with me with my 14 days journey with Zespri® Kiwifruits.

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Blog Revamping

Hello... I'm in the midst of revamping my blog to make my life a little easier. So do not be alarmed as work is still under construction.

16 Oct 2012