Due to my limited free time, I only managed to get very little sponsors this year round. Hopefully I will get more to join me in offering something for the cause. Will post that up once I get my prize codes later today.
Please go to Grab Your Fork to check our regional round up. Imagine winning Nigella Lawson Kitchen Utensils set in cream worth AU$160... WOW!!!
Don't forget to drop by Chez Pim for the international round-up of prizes. There are a lot of attractive prizes including a personal tour of elBulli kitchen laboratory at the new Alícia Institute with Ferran Adrià himself, well you'll need to buy your own air ticket though!
You can also browse prizes by region by visiting the regional host blogs:
UK: The Passionate Cook and Cooksister!
Europe: Food Beam
US: West Coast: Rasa Malaysia
US: East Coast: Serious Eats
US: Central: Kalyn's Kitchen
Canada: The Domestic Goddess
Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand: Grab Your Fork
and, last but not least, our special Wine Blog Host: Vinography
To donate:
1. Go to the donation page at http://www.firstgiving.com/menuforhope4
2. Make a donation: each US$10 will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice. In the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form, please specify which prize or prizes you'd like, using the prize-code and detailing the number of tickets per prize you'd like to purchase. For example, a donation of US$50 can be 2 tickets for AP01 and 3 for AP02
3. For US donors, if your company has agreed to match your charity donation, please remember to tick the box and fill in the information so we may claim the corporate match.
4. Please make sure you tick the box to allow us to see your email address so we may contact you if you win. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
5. Winners will be announced on Chez Pim in mid-January 2008.
With my hands clasped and brought close to my heart, on behalf of all your beneficiaries, I thank you in advance for your generosity and compassion.
Technorati Tags: menu for hope 4
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