Hi there, just in case you guys are wondering whether I'm still alive or not... yes, I'm very much well alive and kicking. The past two weeks have been crazy both at work and homefront. There seems to be never ending issues that arises for the project at work whilst at home, we have been busy preparing for the Chinese New Year plus we got away from Kuala Lumpur to visit a relative in Ipoh for a few days. I didn't managed to eat much around in Ipoh since we stayed very far away from town plus we have plenty of catching up to do and with the children running round about the house.
I have so much back log that I think it will take me a long while before I can post them all up but then again I might just skip them all. Might not have so much time now and in the near future. I do hope I could keep on updating but let's just see how things go...
The best part so far in the new year must have been the two lines that hubby and I have hoped to see for the past one year... the timing was just great huh? In case you wonder what lines??? These were the TWO lines we discovered a couple of days ago...

Yes, I'm pregnant! I'm actually having mixed feelings about the pregnancy whilst hubby had been ecstatic. Why? It's because I had waited for some time for it to happen that I've lost the kind of anticipation. To me now, the pregnancy = more pain = more responsibility = more worries = more logistic issues = more $$$$ needed = more joy = more blessed = more love = more tears = more saliva = more gain = and you know what? They never seems to end. Thank goodness hubby had been giving me the kinda of comfort and reassurances that every preggy women would loved to hear. It took me extra time to move my butt to get the test kit and now I can't decide which doctor I should stick to, let alone deciding when to get my first check up done.... kekekeke the differences of the first and subsequent pregnancy are so significantly different eh???
With my rough calculation, I should be due end of September joining the
celebs to add a doggie in the family.
In the meantime, updating will be sporadic until my second trimester starts as I can foresee that I will be feeling sleepy and lethargic at around 10am, 3-4pm and after 9pm. So far the past few days I've no appetite to have my dinner, so much so I've been picking from hubby's plate instead. Looks like it's following the trait of my first pregnancy that I do not have much appetite especially during the first trimester. I remember once the nurse scolded me as I did not put on weight accordingly but thank goodness the doctor assured us that it's still within the safe limit.
As for now, I'm already half asleep but I kept my eyes wide awake not knowing what rubbish I'm typing here just to bring this news to you guys. Since it's not convenient to access to the net at client's, I thank in advance for all your warm wishes and kind thoughts.
ZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... nite!