Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Babe in the City - KL is 20!!!

Wow, can't believe this... feel so ancient 😆. If you have been following me since my blogging days, Thank You So Much 🥲😊🤗.

I have since moved on to Instagram. My handle is babe_kl. Join me here...

Pretty stoked that there are ppl reading my craps on Instagram even though it is mostly for me to document & search back where I have been & what I have been cincai cooking. Good to know we have the same taste buds if you hv been sharing & saving my posts ❤️. As we celebrate, remember that our love for food is the greatest gift to socialise here 🍻.

Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart ❤️❤️❤️.

P.S.: if you have sent me invite to visit your makan place & I did not respond; it's bcos it went to hidden request. Anyway, I no longer accept invites as I prefer to have an honest say especially when it come to negatives which owners tend not to be able to accept it after belanja makan 😅🤪🤭. Sorry in advance. 

#babeinthecitykl #babekleats #babeklcooks #babekltravels #20thanniversary #pioneerfoodblogger #foodblogger #malaysianfoodblogger #Malaysianfoodblog 

Blog Revamping

Hello... I'm in the midst of revamping my blog to make my life a little easier. So do not be alarmed as work is still under construction.

16 Oct 2012